Languages, expertise, areas/industry of work, special traits.


Christian helped me out with translating some texts from Italian to English so that I could then edit them -- they were descriptive guidebooks for different European countries. His translations and the notes he sent alongside were intuitive and accurate, and I didn't have to do a lot of editing on top. He was extremely nice to deal with and to share the tasks with. He would be my first go-to for further translations.
- Juliet Gwyn Palmer


Having collaborated on a translation project with Christian, I can personally attest to his work ethic. He is committed, easy-going, and has an uncommon facility for languages!
- Monika Huppertz


Having partnered with Christian on several sales and other business book and website translation projects from the German into (American) English over many years (since 2014), I can highly recommend him for any such project. Not only is he able to understand the original content, but he also perfectly conveys the original author's tone of voice to their audience—in the target language. His ability to look beyond the text and always have the author's (and publisher's) message and purpose in mind, is what sets him apart from many others out there. Be it American/English marketing lingo or whatnot, Christian is on point. Apart from his brilliance as a translator and his reasonably priced services, he is a pleasure to work with and a really nice guy. I've convinced some of my customers to move their deadlines to be able to work with Christian on their projects. It was well worth it.
- Esther Lenssen


I had the opportunity of working with Christian on a translation project and highly recommend him. He is faithful to the original text, while maintaining a natural, precise, and elegant tone in the target language. I look forward to working with him again in the future.
- Laurent Kestel


Christian has translated various content for us over the years from German to English - always to a high standard. He's easy to work with, always offers different suggestions of wording that is tricky to translate, and promptly returns any translations. I would highly recommend Christian.
-Emma Dobson


I have worked with Christian over the last 12 months asking him to translate various German articles and promotional items into English and have always found his work outstanding.

Not only does Christian translate the German into very readable English, he also offers different suggestions of other words/phrases that could be used for certain German words/meanings so that I have the ability to put the translations into the context I need.

Christian also tries to accommodate requests to meet sometimes very tight deadlines and never fails to deliver the translated documents when he says he will.

Overall the service I receive from Christian is responsive, reliable, affordable and of a very high standard and I have no hesitation in recommending him/his service which I have found to be exceptional.
-Shelly Turner

Marie pierre

Christian Villano a assuré la traduction en anglais de mon livre Marathonien des Sables, Lahcen Ahansal, enfant nomade et Star du désert, paru aux Editions Lharmattan en 2012 et aux Editions La Croisée des Chemins (Maroc) ensuite. Le travail délivré par Christian a été de très grande qualité et reconnu par les lecteurs anglophones. Traducteur très à l'écoute, il s'enquiert du sens avec l'auteur et délivre le travail parfaitement dans les délais. Ce fût un plaisir de travailler ensemble.
- Marie-Pierre Fonsny

My services:
  • Translation
  • Proofreading and Editing
  • Localization
  • Transcreation
  • Subtitling and Captioning
  • Interpreting
  • Language Consultation
  • Terminology Management
  • Language Assessment
  • Cultural Consulting

See you on Venus

Another book

A movie script?

Over 700 documents

Over 500 documents

And many more works to my name as a translator